Keep Your Pinterest Account Organized for Easier Pinning
Are you an avid Pinterest user? If so, chances are your pins and boards may have gotten a little out of control and could use some TLO – tender loving organization. Here are a few tips to speed up your pinning by organizing your boards.
1. Always include text on your pin.
Without text, pins can be pointless. Include some context to remind you why you pinned them, and change what default text appears on re-pins or pins from websites so they are pertinent to you. Also, consider using hash tags or keywords to help you search through your pins more effectively.
2. Double check your links.
If you pin from websites, make sure your pin links back to the content it is supposed to. For example, of you send blog articles to Pocket and pin from within the Pocket website, the pin will link back to your Pocket account. To avoid this open the blog post to the original post before creating your pin.
3. Sort your boards for public view.
Did you know you can re-order your boards as they appear on your profile? Click to edit the boards, and then drag and drop them into an order that makes sense to you. For example, you could group all you cooking/recipe boards together and your decorating boards together.
4. Sort your boards for your own view.
If you pin to your boards from the pinlet in your web browser, you can sped the process up by strategically naming your boards. Your list of boards will be composed of the most recently pinned-to board at the top, followed by all the rest in alphabetical order. To make your life easier, consider adding a word to the beginning of your board titles to groups them. As you can see below, I have my graphic design boards grouped with the first word “Design,” my holiday projects boards grouped with the word “Holiday,” and my interior design boards grouped with the word “Home.”
Happy pinning!
These are good tips. Thanks!
Mary Kelly