Today is my first day back in the office after attending South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive 2015. This conference covers a variety of topics in the technology, marketing, design and communications industries. I attended for the third consecutive year with the charge of bringing fresh ideas back to the office.
Each year when I return from SXSW I find myself reflecting on the themes that have developed from the sessions I attended. I always choose sessions based on what speaks to me and what I find interesting, but inevitably themes arise. My first year I focused on tools and tactics. My second year I found myself focusing on work/life balance and how to “get it all done.” This year I went in with our newly-implemented content marketing strategic plan in mind. As a result I found myself drawn to a lot of sessions about content marketing, storytelling and journalism.
Below is a recap of some of the sessions I attended this year, along with some key takeaways and links to Storify pages with more information about the session and my sketchnotes from the panels. For a quick fix, I’ve included a SlideShare deck with notes grouped by platform.
Simple Ways to Massively Increase Content
- The content you need = Number of Content Categories X Number of Audience Personas X Number of Stages in Your Sales Funnel.
- High Effort Content (blogs, paid content, video) draws traffic from searches.
- Medium Effort Content (Q & A, etc.) performs best in terms of search engine optimization.
- Low Effort Content (user-generated content, curated content) does best with cross-channel distribution.
- Being amazing is not scalable. That can’t be your goal.
- Have managers & creators focused on the “best” stuff in terms of what works for your brand.
- Aggregate! It isn’t possible to create it all yourself. (Aim to aggregate 80% of your content.)
- Leverage your internal resources.
- Even NBC Sports struggles with staffing issues for managing social media.
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New Media Ethics: Journalism in the Age of GIFs
- Younger readers want more transparency and attribution.
- Branded content should be clearly labeled, closely reviewed and distinguished from editorial content with text and visuals.
- Intent can’t be read, so be explicit with how you’ll moderate.
- If your site is open to comments, you are hosting a community. Post rules and consequences so expectations are clear.
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Failure as a Creative Catalyst
- Know what you don’t know, and make that your motivator.
- Make learning an active ingredient of your daily life.
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Behind the Social at PBS’ Largest Content Provider
- Don’t spread yourself too thin. Before taking on another project / idea, consider if you can sustain it over the long run.
- No one is going to listen to you if you’re pointing to yourself the whole time.
- Be a member of your audience.
- Engagement just means doing your job. But if you views outnumber your page likes on Facebook, go ahead an nerd out!
- Go ahead and pull your numbers manually. It’s okay not to pay for analytics.
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The Art of Social Media
- Be valuable to your audience.
- Optimize your avatars and images. “Social media is Tinder, not eHarmony.”
- Don’t ask for re-shares.
- Don’t abdicate to interns.
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Social Media: Breaking or Fixing News?
- Have the platforms serve you – don’t live to serve the platforms.
- Have a decision tree for what gets shared on social media.
- Social networks need you more than you need them.
- Provide an ethics contract and/or communications best practices for staff.
- Use the platforms that make sense for sourcing your content.
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Data-Driven Newsrooms
- Categorize your content based on theme. Use analytics of themes to guide future editorial content. If something does well, do more stories similar to it.
- Develop analytics reports that make sense for your organization. Determine what you actually care about. Verticals? Writers? Themes?
- Look at trendlines and identify spikes & dips rather than focusing on specific moments.
- If you find an older story is trending, repackage with a current headline and re-release.
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Make Social Media POP! with Video
- Edit ruthlessly.
- Have a plan.
- Always tell a story.
- End with a call to action.
- Upload to both YouTube AND Facebook natively.
- Upload teasers to Vine and Instagram.
- Explore the iPad/iPhone app Adobe Premiere Clip.
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Big Picture Testing: Beyond the One-Off Result
- Plan: What are your goals, what can you measure, and what can you do for long-term gain?
- Have a written hypothesis to test.
- Stop trusting your gut.
- Think critically about your sampling.
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Captivology: The Science of Capturing Attention
- Three types of attention: Instant (spark), Short Term (kindling), Long Term (bonfire)
- Ways to increase attention: automaticity, framing, disruption, reward, reputation, mystery, acknowledgement
- Read more in the book Captivology by Benn Parr
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Fear and Creativity: Finding Your Craft
- Check out the Zen Diagram at
- Your craft is not your job. Your job pays the rent. Your craft leaves you feeling fulfilled.
- A shadow career looks like what you should be doing, but it’s not quite right.
- Six basic fears, according to Napoleon Hill: poverty, criticism, ill-health, loss of love, old age, death
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Slacktivism: Monster or Myth?
- Slacktivism is a low effort, feel good action that doesn’t really make a difference.
- Use storytelling to encourage sharing.
- Storify recap
NPR and PBS: Public Media, Reaching New Publics
- Moderation can be reduced if the community is on a platform with distance from the brand.
- You need a diversity in staff to affect change.
- Don’t try to shoehorn content into a form in which it does not belong. Not everything should be a video.
- Management needs to make diversification a priority.
- Match the demographics of your content to the demographics of your target audience.
- Create programming specific for niche audiences – at the episode/post level or at the show/blog level.
- Storify recap and sketchnotes
The Case of Design Thinking in Communications
- Design is an expression of a purpose.
- Design serves as a proxy for the organization itself. Sloppy design = sloppy organization.
- Good design: thorough, long-lasting, aesthetic, honest, unobtrusive, eco-friendly, innovation, useful, understandable
- Don’t be tone deaf. Listen to your audience.
- Design principles: empathize, observe, brainstorm, prototype, test
- Think in project teams.
- Ground thinking in insights and observable facts.
- Identify the design problem.
- From quantity comes quality. Think of a lot of ideas.
- Create a culture of rapid prototyping.
- Hone your skills.
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Telling Stories with Visualization and Interactivity
- “Unless your site is about one thing, it’s about everything.” – Fredrik deBoer
- Give consideration to how users will interact (i.e. swiping, scrolling).
- Use an image and a compelling headline.
- Consider vertical cropping of images to fit devices.
- Allow the data/graphics groups to pitch story ideas based on what they see.
- When visualization is scaled, it becomes sameness. (Example: graphs that look like parking garages – all the same design.)
- Photography is powerful, but up close. Charts can show scale.
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Beyond 140 Characters: How to Stretch Your Limits
- Twitter stats: 288M global monthly users; 85% use mobile; 1B tweets sent every two days
- Leverage rich media: photo cards, multi-photo cards, video cards
- Spend one time on Twitter ads to get access to consumer analytics
- Have a personality: identity, unique voice that is specific to the platform
- You don’t have to tweet a message just because it’s a holiday!
- Have one goal/call-to-action in your tweet.
- Incorporate hashtags into the sentence.
- Use images tied to the message theme.
- Storify recap and sketchnotes
Content is the Starting Line, Not the Finish Line
- Be obsessed with ignition, not content.
- Content on the Internet will be 5X what it is now by 2020.
- Adults consume 10 hours of content a day. When will we max out?
- Facebook organic page reach fell from 26% in 2011 to 6% in 2014.
- Strategy: Find an un-saturated niche. Use an aggressive strategy based on key words. Nurture your audience to ignite by paying attention.
- Six Elements to a BADASS Strategy: Brand development; Audience and influencers; Distribution, advertising, promotion and SEO; Authority; Social proof and signals; Shareability of the content.
- Heroic brands are true to themselves, consistent, demonstrate a strong work ethic, and give service to others. This all adds up to trust from the audience.
- Your alpha audience is the elite 2% who will share your content. Your metrics won’t tell you who they are.
- Traffic = tourists. Aim for trust, not traffic.
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Where’s Waldo’s Voice: Social Media for Mascots
- Decide where the line is between business goals and entertainment.
- Plan early to decide how social media can be integrated into campaigns.
- Have a guide for your voice. AFLAC has a “Duck Dossier” and Chick-fil-A has a “Cow Manifesto.”
- Build partnerships and trust to cut down on approval times.
- Listen for opportunities to take appropriate advantage of pop culture.
- Balance real-time efforts with brand protection. Accidents happen.
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The Innovator’s DNA: The Five Innovation Skills
- Three types of innovation: Disruptive/innovative (new idea); Sustaining innovation (improving); Efficiency innovation (making it cheaper)
- Innovate by thinking differently – Associational Thinking (Add two things together)
- Innovate by acting differently – Catalytic Questioning (Brainstorm questions, not answers). Pick one challenge, brainstorm questions, prioritize questions, get to work.
- Everyone can make a difference in a child’s life by allowing them to see you explore and question and innovate as an adult. Don’t let imaginative thinking die as you grow up.
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Breaking the News in the Age of Snapchat
- Skepticism is vital, cynicism is lethal.
- How we use new technology matters.
- Good writing is a result of good thinking.
- Understand your audience and go where the conversation is.
- Millennials are more likely to get their news from a greater variety of sources.
- Storify recap and sketchnotes
Infinity and Beyond: Pixar 20 Years After Toy Story
- The technology then didn’t exist. Everything had to be created as they went.
- Don’t compare today’s results to the original. It wasn’t as good then as it is now. (This outlook can be applied to your personal professional development as well.)
- Ignore the technical restrictions. Get the story to work, and then figure out how to make it happen.
- Prioritize. They can do just about anything technically now. It all comes down to where they want to put their money.
- Take advantage of unique opportunities to do what you love.
- Never be bored. Challenge yourself.
- Keep working with friends at a place committed to producing quality stuff.
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